David’s Day to be Commemorated, March 1

David’s Day to be Commemorated

imagesThose of Welsh descent in Newfoundland and Labrador will have an opportunity to come together to commemorate St. David, patron saint of Wales, as part of the 4th Annual St. David’s Day events organized by the Sir William Vaughan Trust.

The first day of March was chosen in remembrance of the death of Saint David. Tradition holds that he died on that day in 569. The date was declared a national day of celebration within Wales in the 18th century.

This year’s activities will be held on March 1, 2015 at O’Reilly’s Pub on George Street, commencing with the Annual General Meeting of the Trust at 4:00 pm, followed by a reception and then an evening of songs and entertainment starting at 6:00 pm. The evening activities are a fundraiser to support the work of the Trust in the coming year with donations accepted at the door.

The Sir William Vaughan Trust was established in 2012 to promote awareness of Sir William Vaughan and his early plantation efforts in Newfoundland (1617-1630). The Trust’s activities include developing enhanced linkages between Newfoundland and Wales and engaging those of Welsh descent currently living in the province.

Since 2012, the Trust has undertaken archaeological field work at Trepassey’s Lower Coast, a possible location for Vaughan’s early plantation efforts. The Trust has also facilitated linkages between Welsh and other researchers at the University of Ulster and Memorial University on early plantation development.

For more information on St. David’s Day events or to become a member of the Trust, visit http://www.swvp.ca/ or Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/swvtrust/

For more information:

Carol Osmond, Sir William Vaughan Trust


(709) 730 -5999

Rhubarb Pie in Ice and Snow?


February 23, 1889

rhubarbSubscribers to the St. John’s newspaper, The Daily Colonist  on February 23, 1889 read that a “Newfoundland Rhubarb pie” had been served at the Atlantic Hotel.

Why did a rhubarb pie make the news?

There was much conversation in the town about the pie, it appears that it may have been the first rhubarb grown and served in Newfoundland during the winter season. The reporter wrote:

“The vegetable was grown by Mr. J.T. Neville, at Rae Island farm and tastes as succulent and nutritious as if pulled in June. The stalks are quite large and can be seen under their glass covers by visitors to Mr. Neville’s place on the Waterford – Bridge road.”

Mr. & Mrs. Neville leased a fifty acre piece of property that encompassed the Waterford and Kilbride Rivers that they named Rae Island Farm. It was at the farm where they experimented with growing vegetables in a hot house. Rae Island Farm is known today as Bowring Park.

The Atlantic Hotel, located  at 102 Water Street was the most prestigious hotel in the city at the time. It was opened in 1875 by J.W. Foran.

The newspaper article concluded:

“Fresh rhubarb in Newfoundland in January! What will our friends across the water say to this? Those friends who have always looked upon Newfoundland as being covered in ice and snow three fourths of the year will certainly be surprised.”

Recommended Reading: Sean Cadigan, “The Staple Model Reconsidered: The Case of Agricultural Policyn Northeast Newfoundland, 1785-1855”, Acadiensis, XXI, 2 (Spring 1992), pp. 48- 71.

Foundation for choral music in Newfoundland and Labrador

St. John’s Choral Society

Photo Credit: The Rooms Provincial Archives. C 5 -6:  The Athenaeum Hall, Duckworth Street, St. John's  was built in 1879, this 1000 seat theatre was central too much of this musical activity in the town.

Photo Credit: The Rooms Provincial Archives. C 5 -6: The Athenaeum Hall, Duckworth Street, St. John’s was built in 1879, this 1000 seat theatre was central too much of this musical activity in the town.

On this day, (February 19, 1879) the local, St. John’s newspaper, The Temperance Journal reported:

 “The first concert of the St. John’s Choral Society took place in the Athenaeum Hall on Wednesday evening (February 19, 1879) before a fair audience.  We understand the “lovers of sweet sounds” were amply repaid for their evening excursion.”

The 200 voice St. John’s Choral Society was the focal point for a good deal of musical activity in St. John’s in the late 19th century. The society put on performances of large scale oratorios and sacred cantatas. Among the major works performed were Messiah (1880, 1884), Judas Maccabaeus (1881) and The Creation (1882).

The founders of the Choral Society were Emil Handcock and George Rowe.  Handcock served as the first director until 1883 at which time Rowe took the baton.

The site of this first concert was at the very prestigious Athenaeum Hall.  Built in 1879, this 1000 seat theatre was central too much of this musical activity in the town.   Located on Duckworth Street – the Athenaeum was also home to a Library and Reading Room. In 1892 in the great downtown fire, the Athenaeum was destroyed.

The strong tradition of choral music continues with Newfoundland and Labrador boasting some of the best choirs in the country.  Including:

Shallaway:  http://www.shallaway.ca  Shallaway is dedicated to continuing its ever-evolving journey of exploring, connecting, encouraging, developing and celebrating cultural expression through the medium of choral music.

Lady Cove: http://www.ladycove.ca/   Lady Cove Women’s Choir is one of twenty-five choral ensembles in the world – and the only one from Canada — chosen to participate in the 9th World Symposium on Choral Music in  Argentina  in August 2011.

Newman Sound:  http://newmansound.ca/   Newman Sound competed in the World Choir Games in Cincinnati, Ohio, (2012) achieving world champion status as the gold medal winners for male chamber choirs! They continue to hold to that high standard.

Les Ms:   http://www.lesms.ca/ This ensemble is recognized for its high quality music and unique performance style. Delivering an eclectic repertoire that includes sacred music and spirituals to traditional, pop and vocal jazz,

Quintessential Vocal Ensemble (QVE):  www.qve.ca  Over the past 20 years, the Quintessential Vocal Ensemble (QVE) has become recognized as one of Canada’s most accomplished amateur choirs, bringing together more than 40 singers from the thriving musical community of St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador. 

Cantus Vocum:  http://www.cantusvocum.com/   Cantus Vocum Chamber Choir was founded in 1995 by their current conductor, Chad Stride. Cantus Vocum translates as “the musical sound of voices”. This twenty voice chamber choir has quickly been recognized and praised for their musical artistry. Cantus Vocum is continually producing innovative programming to cover a broad spectrum of musical tastes.

St. John’s Choir:  www.stjohnschoir.ca  For more than 50 years, the St. John’s Choir has been an active participant in and contributor to the musical life of the city, and has provided an opportunity for members of the community to come together with one voice.

The Philharmonic Choir of the Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra.  http://pcnso.org/ : The (PCNSO) is a community choir based in St. John’s, founded in 1987 as an oratorio choir specifically to perform Handel’s Messiah with the NSO, the PCNSO has broadened its repertoire substantially and now performs several concerts each season with a wide variety of music.

Take some time to explore each of these websites. Some  have concert dates and special events posted.


Throw snow in the middle of the street

February 20, 1880

Archival Moment

Throw the snow in St. John's into the streets?

Merrymeeting Road, St. John’s, February 1921.

Great debates have been had in St. John’s about snow and what to do with snow.

There was a time in St. John’s, when residents were encouraged to throw snow from their sidewalks into the middle of the street.  Not only were they encouraged to do this, they were often ordered to do this. The St. John’s newspaper, The Evening Telegram reported in February 1880:

“a policeman called on the various dwellings (in St. John’s)  and ordered that all snow lying before their doors should be thrown into the middle of the street.”

One resident of Cochrane Street, St. John’s was not very happy with this arrangement. In February 1880 he wrote to the St. John’s newspaper:

“In most instances the order of the policeman to throw snow in the middle of the street was complied, with the result of which is that today sleighs driving up and down Cochrane Street encroach on the sidewalks to the danger of pedestrians.”

It appears that those with horse and sleigh wanted to take the path of least resistance and rather than take to the center of the road (now covered with mounds of snow) were more inclined to take the cleared sidewalks.

The frustrated resident of Cochrane Street wrote:

 “If the magistrates have ordered the snow to be cleared from the sidewalks, it would be only right that they should cause all sleighs to keep to the center of the road.”

The policemen and the magistrates did begin to listen to the residents and actively pursued convicting carmen who were driving on the sidewalks.  Judge Daniel Woodley Prowse took no sympathy on those that went before him in his court with the charge of ‘driving on the sidewalks.’  Among the many that were convicted  were Patrick MacDonald of Portugal Cove Road  and Matthew Doyle of Freshwater Road who were before the good judge  in the court for “driving the quadrupeds (horses) on the sidewalk” were each fined  fifty cents and costs.

Judge Prowse was squarely on the side of the pedestrians as having rights above all other traffic!

Oh, how times have changed!

Recommended Archival Collection: At The Rooms Provincial Archives Division read the old newspaper accounts that give great insight into the events of the past.  http://www.therooms.ca/archives/

Recommended Web Site: City of St. John’s Snow Clearing: http://www.stjohns.ca/living-st-johns/streets-traffic-and-parking/snow-clearing

Recommended to Read:  One for the History Books: The Winter of 2000–01 in St. John’s, Newfoundland by Bruce Whiffen. http://www.easternsnow.org/proceedings/2002/021_Whiffen.pdf

Definition:  Carman, a driver of a horse-drawn vehicle used for transporting goods.

(If you know the street location and or the approximate date of this photograph please contact me.)

“Fast driving (dogs) on the public thoroughfares”


February 10, 1881 

Photo Credit: The Rooms Provincial Archives. VA 15A-31.8; Boy with dog cart, St. Lawrence. NL

Photo Credit: The Rooms Provincial Archives. VA 15A-31.8; Boy with dog cart, St. Lawrence. NL

Dogs at one time were an integral part of daily life in Newfoundland and Labrador; traditionally the vast majority of dogs were “working dogs’ few had “companion dogs.”

The work that dogs did was important.  Dogs were valued for their security, warmth, herding, and hauling. In Newfoundland it would not be unusual to see a dog in harness, tethered to a sleigh in the winter or small cart in the summer pulling firewood from the surrounding wooded country or pulling other heavy loads.

On February 10, 1881 a local paper (The Twillingate Sun) reported about the court trial of a young man and his treatment of his dog.

The newspaper reported a young man named William Pride, aged 19, a resident of David Button’s Cove,  (Twillingate area)  was summoned to the Court on the complaint  of the  Local Constable, “for furiously driving and exciting his dogs while drawing a slide. “

William admitted that he “made the dogs travel swifter than he should have done.”

His Worship, after due consideration, and no doubt taking into account the circumstances of the youth, (being very poor), let him off by paying one dollar or seven days imprisonment.

The owner of the dog, John Pride, was also summoned before the Court.  It appears that the dog when stopped for “fast driving” tore the constable’s overcoat, causing the charge to also include “keeping furious animal.”

Mr.  Pride satisfied the magistrate that he was not aware of the ferocious propensity of his dog, his “faithful friend,” and,  told the court  that as soon as he was made acquainted with the fact, he immediately terminated  his dog’s existence.

The newspaper reporter concluded:

“It is to be hoped that this will be a warning to other drivers of the canine tribe, for should they come under the notice for furious driving they are most likely to be brought before the Court, where His Worship will be likely to inflict such “a fine as the dangerous practice of fast driving on the public thoroughfares may warrant.”

Recommended Archival Collection: At The Rooms Provincial Archives: MG 593: 1912 -1927 consists of correspondence; complaint books, and investigation reports.

Recommended Website: For more information on the  SPCA  go to http://www.spcastjohns.org/


The “White Plague”


February 10, 1907 

Photo Credit: The Rooms Provincial Archives: A 118-164.6 Patients Outdoors

On this day February 10, 1907 parents and guardians of children, and especially school teachers throughout Newfoundland and Labrador  were urged by local media to ensure that children “do not spit on the floors of houses, as it spreads the “White Plague“.

The “white plague” was the term used to refer to tuberculosis. It was also called “consumption” and later “TB”.

In 1899 the population of Newfoundland was 212,000. In that year 655 people died of tuberculosis. This was the highest death rate in North America. It caused considerable public concern but it would still be years before the fight against TB finally began.

In 1907, the first steps to form an association to fight tuberculosis were taken. In February, 1908, the Newfoundland Association for the Prevention of Consumption was formed.  Church and health officials began encouraging Government to provide funding for a sanatorium to treat tuberculosis.  One of the treatments of the day was that patients be moved outdoors to “enjoy” the benefits of the fresh air.

From 1901-1975, just under 32,000 people died of TB in Newfoundland. Often the victims were males aged 15 to 45. These men were the breadwinners of their families, the social and economic costs of TB were great.

Recommended Archival Collection: At the Rooms Provincial Archives ask reference staff about the many collections that make reference to tuberculosis including information about the Tuberculosis Sanitarium and the Convalescent Hospital.

Recommended Reading: Cuff, Harry. Take a deep breath: reflections; lives touched by tuberculosis; creative works by ex-tubercular patients: battles in the war against tuberculosis.St. John’s: Harry Cuff Publications, 2002.

Princess on a Newfoundland postage stamp

Archival Moment 

February  6, 1952

In Newfoundland the first recognition given to the future Queen occurred in 1933 with the young Princess Elizabeth appearing on a Newfoundland postage stamp. This was the first portrait of the Princess on any postage stamp.

In Newfoundland the first recognition given to the future Queen occurred in 1933 with the young Princess Elizabeth appearing on a Newfoundland postage stamp. This was the first portrait of the Princess on any postage stamp.

Queen Elizabeth II ascended to the throne on February 6, 1952, her coronation was held on June 2, 1953. The 16 month span allowed for a mourning period following the death of her father King George VI, and also for preparations for the coronation ceremony held in Westminster Abbey.

Queen Elizabeth, since her accession to the throne in 1952, has made 22 official Royal visits to Canada, usually accompanied by her husband Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, and sometimes by her children Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward. Queen Elizabeth has visited every province and territory in Canada.

In Newfoundland the first recognition given to the future Queen occurred in 1933 with the young Princess Elizabeth appearing on a Newfoundland postage stamp. This was the first portrait of the Princess on any postage stamp. Robson Lowe, the philatelist, says “this was for some years one of the most popular stamps in the world”

The Princess Elizabeth, Duchess of Edinburgh, and her husband, The Duke of Edinburgh, made their first appearance in Newfoundland in 1951, on behalf of her ailing father.

In June 1959 the Queen, accompanied by Prince Philip, was welcomed to St. John’s by Prime Minister John  Diefenbaker and Premier J. R. Smallwood the Royal couple crossed the island to Stephenville and detoured through to Labrador.

Other visits included the official visit in 1978 that included her majesty attending the St. John’s Regatta and her most recent visit in 1997 marking the 500th anniversary of John Cabot’s arrival in Newfoundland. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip visited St. John’s, Bonavista, North West River, Shetshatshiu, HappyValley and GooseBay.

Other short stop over’s in Newfoundland by the Queen have included.

1953 Newfoundland
1974 Gander, Newfoundland
1985 Gander, Newfoundland
1986 Gander, Newfoundland
1991 Gander, Newfoundland

The designation “Royal” has been given to number of institutions in the province including:

Royal Newfoundland Regiment  (1917)

Royal Newfoundland Yacht Club (1965)

Royal Newfoundland Constabulary (1979)

Royal St. John’s Regatta (1993)

Recommended Archival Collection:  The Rooms Provincial Archives holds a number of small collections that relate to the visit of Queen Elizabeth II to Newfoundland and Labrador.

Recommended Web site: http://www.govhouse.nl.ca/

First meeting of the Benevolent Irish Society

Archival Moment

February 5, 1806

The headquarters of the BIS is now located  at 30 Harvey Road.

The headquarters of the BIS is now located at 30 Harvey Road.

On February 5, 1806 the first meeting of the Benevolent Irish Society (B.I.S.) was held at the London Tavern, St. John’s. The Society was founded for the relief of the poor by a group of 78 Irishmen.

“At a meeting held at the London Tavern, St. John’s, Newfoundland, on Wednesday the 5th February 1806, a number of Irish Gentlemen desirous of relieving the wants and desires of their Countrymen and fellow-creatures at large. It was unanimously agreed, that a Society formed upon true principles of Benevolence and Philanthropy would be the most effectual mode of establishing permanent relief.”

The Society was constitutionally established on February 17, 1806.

As the seal and motto, the BIS founding members, chose the figure of the patron saint of their old country , St. Patrick bearing the cross surrounded by the inscription “he that gives to the poor, lends to the Lord.”

The Benevolent Irish Society was unique in that it was nonsectarian and offered assistance to the needy regardless of their religion.

“all denominations of Christians were admissible to its ranks the only qualifications required being one that one should be an Irishman or the descendant of an Irishman. “

At the time “the needy” were referred to as the wretched and distressed.”

The founders of the Society were among the first generation of permanent residents in Newfoundland. They included politicians, businessmen and clergy who played significant roles in the political, economic and spiritual growth of the developing colony.

The headquarters of the BIS, fronting on Queen’s Road, backing on Military Road opposite of the R.C. Basilica, was converted into a condominium residence in the late 1990’s. (see photo)

The headquarters of the BIS is now located at 30 Harvey Road.

The very popular London Tavern showed no denominational bias, the free Masons met in the fine establishment from 1774 -1832. Located at the corner of what is now York and Wood Streets it’s proprietors Mr. Cornelius QUIRK (1770’s -1810) and later James PHEALAN (1810 -1830’s) liked to have a drink with anyone.

Recommended Archival Collection: At the Rooms Provincial Archives discover the Benevolent Irish Society [BIS] fonds, MG 612. This collection includes 12 microfilmed reels of documents including minutes (1822-1933, 1938-1970, 1973-1979); agendas (1964-1970); Centenary Volume (1806-1906); loan receipts (1905-1906); journal (1910-1920); cash book (1920-1931); ledger (1939-1944).

Recommended Archival Collection: “Rules and constitution of the Benevolent Irish Society: February 17th, 1806”. Recounts the establishment of the Society in February 1806 and presents the rules and constitution drawn up by the founding committee. Read More: http://collections.mun.ca/cdm/ref/collection/cns/id/17588

Recommended Web Site: http://www.bisnl.ca/main/node

Archivists and Artists Create

Reception Open to the Public

Photo Credit: Tanya St-Pierre. Collage Series (2014). Digital print.

Photo Credit: Tanya St-Pierre. Collage Series (2014). Digital print.

The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery will be hosting a reception on Friday, January 30 at 7:30 p.m. to formally open five new exhibits.

Two of the exhibits, Tanya St. Pierre’s, “Collage Series” and Daniel Young and Christian Giroux’s, “Infracture Canada” borrow from the collections of the Rooms Provincial Archives

The “Collage Series” features thirty-two composite images by Quebec-based artist Tanya St-Pierre. St-Pierre’s collages interpret, while rendering poetic, the work of Newfoundland and Labrador women during the First and Second World Wars. Researching intensely in The Rooms Provincial Archives for a two-week period in August 2014, St-Pierre carefully looked over hundreds of archival documents and selected the primary material for the collages. By cutting out fragments of history from archival sources, and blending the two time periods, the collages operate like a metaphor for the disruption that occurs during wartime, and the lives torn in the context of these moments of strong cultural tension and social transition.

“Infracture Canada” critically explores the built environment. For the exhibition, the artists incorporate architectural images from the Provincial Archives collections, speaking to the built vernacular found in this province. This exhibit was co-produced with Oakville Galleries.

The other exhibits that will officially open are St. John’s-based multidisciplinary artist Audrey Hurd’s exhibit ‘’Until it Remembers” and Lyne Lapointe’s, Perches/Perchoirs organized and circulated by the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal and “Folklore and other Panics”

Immerse yourself in our culture at Newfoundland and Labrador’s largest public cultural space. It’s the place where it all comes together – our history, heritage and artistic expression. The Rooms unites the Provincial Archives, Art Gallery and Museum. A place for people, The Rooms is a portal to the many stories our province has to tell.

Join us and meet some of the artists in this free event that is open to the public. For more information contact The Rooms by calling 757-8090 or visit http://www.therooms.ca/pdfs/visitor_guide.pdf

“The mate has been drunk all day”


January 31, 1892

What to do with a drunken sailor?

What to do with a drunken sailor?

One of the great sources of archival information about the men who have made their living from the sea can be found in the “Crew Agreements and Log Books.” English logbooks survive from as early as the mid-17th century and a few more general journals from even earlier. By 1730, the British Admiralty identified the need for consistency and issued the order in their Naval Instructions of 1731 that  a log book had to be maintained on all vessels.

Prior to departure from any port crew members signed the crew agreement  and the Captain would designate one of the crew members, typically the “first mate” to keep a log of the trip.

These logs were treated as sacred, the logs provide considerable information on the vessel, including the port of registry, tonnage, owner and intended voyage. The information relating to the individual crew members includes the person’s name, year and place of birth, capacity, previous vessel served on, and date of signing on and off the vessel.

The St. John’s newspaper, The Evening Herald, reported on January 31, 1892 about an incident  on one vessel that involved an entry in the ship’s log book.

The newspaper reported:

“A good story is told of a well-known sea captain who has more than once visited this port.  (St. John’s). He always allowed his mate to keep the log. On one particular occasion the mate became intoxicated, and was unable to attend to his duty. As the mate very rarely committed the offence the captain excused him and attended to the log himself, concluding with this: “The mate has been drunk all day.” Next day the mate was on deck and resumed his duties.

Looking at the log he discovered the entry the captain had made and ventured to remonstrate with his superior.” What was the need sir””, he asked, “of putting that down on the log?” “Wasn’t it true?” asked the captain. “Yes sir; but it doesn’t seem necessary to enter it on the log””. “Well” said the captain, “since it is true it had better stand, it had better stand.”

The next day the captain had occasion to look at the log, and at the end of the entry which the mate had made was found the item: “The captain has been sober all day.”

The captain had the mate summoned and thundered “What did you mean by putting down that entry? Am I not sober every day?” “”Yes sir, but wasn’t it true?” “Why of course it was true.” “Well then sir”, said the mate, “since it was true, I think it had better stand, it had better stand.”

Recommended Archives: One of the best collections of “Crew Agreements and Log Books” in the world can be found at the Maritime History Archive, Memorial University of Newfoundland.  https://www.mun.ca/mha/index.php

Recommended Song: What to do with a Drunken Sailor:  Great Big Sea: http://www.elyrics.net/read/g/great-big-sea-lyrics/drunken-sailor-lyrics.html